Nathancoverhound's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 23,089 | 10,933 | sidekiq-cron-tasks | Adds tasks for Sidekiq Cron loading |
2 | 35,224 | 30,732 | activerecord-snapshot | Snapshots for ActiveRecord |
3 | 44,546 | 57,505 | rubocop-config-coverhound | CoverHound style guides and shared style configs. |
4 | 61,739 | 57,505 | fixturator | Fixturator is a fixture generator for ActiveRecord models |
5 | 66,542 | 57,505 | camel_patrol | Middleware to transform camelCase into snake_case and back |
6 | 88,627 | 57,505 | color_calculator | You can do color math now! |