#1241's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,1676,327flexirestAccessing REST services in a flexible way
28,6188,005civoA command-line client and API access classes for civo.com
39,52113,218active_rest_clientAccessing REST services in an ActiveRecord style
413,9507,929LVS-JSONServiceA Ruby library for interacting with external JSON services
516,12861,367civo_cliThe official command line client for interacting with Civo's API
623,84233,893civo-loggerSends each request individually to Redis
741,43461,367reallycare_utilsA collection of shared utilities for ReallyCare sites
846,29641,086redis_prometheusIn order to ensure all your statistics are served to Prometheus across multiple machine...
948,56561,367activetrackerActiveTracker is a self-hosted website (combined with this rubygem) to track user reque...
1048,84761,367andy_adminA generator for a nice admin style, like many other popular Rails-based sites
1173,38361,367andycliANSI styling and other utilities for writing CLI Ruby tools
1281,20261,367andyjeffries-journeyJourney is a router. It routes requests.
1390,44261,367andyjeffries-rubyrepDatabase replication
14108,06133,893opal-allThis gem simply includes opal, opal-rails, opal-jquery, opal-sprockets and opal-actives...
15139,53041,086motion-xibA new Rake task for RubyMotion projects to create a new Xib file from a template or edi...
16148,14941,086oceaniaLike the fictional state of Oceania in George Orwell's 1984, this gem watches all the u...
17149,13541,086peek-flexirestTake a peek into the Flexirest API calls made during your application's requests.
18159,24161,367custom_tagJealous of custom in JS frameworks and want them in your Rails apps? CustomTag a...
19163,45241,086docxifyUsing a relatively simple DSL, you can generate Word DocX documents from Ruby.