Hassox's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1164182wardenAn authentication library compatible with all Rack-based frameworks
22,7526,601url_mountGlue to allow mounted rack applications to know where they're mounted
34,6524,075rails_wardenA gem that provides authentication Rails helpers when using Warden for authentication
411,37223,626hash_pathEasy path navigation for hashes
511,89915,080merb-auth-coreAn Authentication framework for Merb
611,90914,857merb-auth-moreAddons for merb-auth-core
712,55014,661merb-authMerb plugin that provides authentication support
812,98931,663stethoscopeHeartbeat middleware for responding to heartbeat pings
913,26915,080merb-auth-slice-passwordMerb Slice with password UI support
1017,91653,556dm-zone-typesTimezone aware datatypes for DataMapper
1120,12317,444pancakeEat Pancake Stacks for Breakfast
1229,67112,135warden_omniauthA warden adapter for omniauth
1337,31842,025merbful_authenticationA Merb plugin that is essentially a port of Rick Olsons restful_authentication plugin f...
1437,75486,038wraptLayouts in rack
1539,88553,556merb_has_flashRails' 'flash' session notification system ported to Merb
1646,37086,038any_viewView helpers with an absolute minimum of requirements
1747,06886,038abr_lookupAn ABN / ACN lookup utility that includes middleware
1848,24586,038veneerVeneer provides basic querying, saving, deleteing and creating interface for data stores.
1951,23586,038us_streetNormalizes Us Streets
2059,09735,920lock_keyUses redis to take out multi-threaded/processed safe locks
2168,92186,038merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
2272,55186,038rack-rescueRescue Handler for Rack
2373,91635,920proxy_stackSimple Light weight proxy
2488,24986,038merb_akismetProvides spam checking with Akismet for Merb apps
25108,53186,038warden_strategiesA collection of basic warden strategies
26109,44586,038attachmerb_fuMerb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb
27120,75686,038merb_storiesMerb plugin that provides basic support for rSpec text stories
28123,55386,038muscleMuscle is a simple parralellizer for slow actions
29124,03086,038whistlerWhistler == White Lister
30126,67186,038transfigrA Pluggable Markup Formatter
31126,92286,038short_stackA short sinatra like pancake stack