Marcoroth's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2183,145cable_readyOut-of-Band Server Triggered DOM Operations
25,2663,837stimulus_reflexBuild reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.
36,5772,716turbo_powerPower-pack for Turbo Streams
472,01672,875easy_enumTurn any Ruby class in an easy to use enum
578,18772,875shortlookShortLook CLI for scaffoling a ShortLook Provider
680,0924,085minitest-difftasticMinitest Plugin to use difftastic for failed assertions
780,59743,052rubocop-cable_readyCode style checking for CableReady
883,43143,052rubocop-stimulus_reflexCode style checking for StimulusReflex
9100,00072,875netatmoRuby Wrapper for the Netatmo HTTP API
10114,45017,234phlexingSimple ERB to Phlex converter
11152,16427,719type_fusionCommunity-contributed sample data for Ruby types
12158,90872,875railsbytesCLI to apply Railsbytes templates to your Rails application
13165,08333,005cable_streamsExtend Turbo Streams with Custom Turbo Stream Actions or CableReady operations
14165,25872,875netilionRuby Wrapper for the Netilion Information Hub API
15171,24615,310clsxRuby utility for constructing HTML class strings conditionally with the provided syntax...
16172,36172,875tankerkoenigRuby Wrapper for the Tankerkoenig HTTP API
17172,49572,875spritpreisrechnerRuby Wrapper for the Spritpreisrechner HTTP API
18177,89372,875turbo-rubyTurbo helpers without the requirement for Rails
19179,32737,098cable_ready-elementcable-ready custom element
20179,61453,842cvaClass Variance Authority
21179,83772,875phluxPhlex helpers
22180,16353,842adocAwesome Rubygem docs
23180,22743,052qr_code_scannerA Ruby Gem for scanning QR-Codes from documents.
24180,24653,842peachtreeSpec-less, Nokogiri-compatible HTML parser
25180,58972,875turbo-uiTurbo powered UI components
26180,83372,875treecraftA library for composing Ruby classes using Ruby
27181,69572,875formulusClient-side HTML form validations
28182,28272,875importmapperHandle and manage importmaps in Ruby applications
29183,24837,098timingappRuby client for the database of the macOS application.
30183,89643,052swiss_qr_billA Ruby Gem for reading and parsing Swiss QR-Bills from documents.