Bobf's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,26814,615orchestrationTools to help launch apps in Docker
215,3975,904devpackAllow developers to optionally include a set of development gems without adding to the ...
316,6569,030action_mailbox_amazon_ingressIntegrate Amazon SES with ActionMailbox
418,1115,289rspec-htmlHTML document abstraction and matchers for RSpec
520,3855,895rspec-file_fixturesLoad files from test fixtures directory quickly and conveniently
625,57220,993strong_versionsEnsure your gems are appropriately versioned
736,54215,014rain_catcherRails application statistic logging with Raindrops
846,25426,806postmortemPreview HTML emails in your browser during development
959,29966,923web_fetchFetches HTTP responses as batch requests concurrently
1062,17066,923betterpOverwrites Kernel#p to provide output with file path, line numbers, and profiling.
1165,85016,519paintbrushProvides a set of encapsulated methods for nested colorization of strings.
1266,77120,993active_elementProvides boilerplate for common HTML components for front end applications.
1380,61126,806liquid_error_handlerConfigure error handling hooks for Liquid.
1487,56811,864rightmove_blmParse and generate Rightmove BLM files
1588,97235,214liquid_debugExtends Liquid for enhanced debugging
1689,21522,483rails_requestToolkit for replaying/analysing Rails requests
17112,10366,923bundle_hackDebug fearlessly and restore when you're done
18119,99130,535request_taggerInject a tracking tag into all SQL and HTTP requests
19130,51914,615rspec-documentationGenerates documentation from RSpec code blocks in Markdown files.
20131,10466,923sql_csvUse ActiveRecord to execute SQL against any DB to export CSV
21156,95166,923geoprojectionWrite a longer description or delete this line.
22162,51266,923ssh_tunnelsConveniently manage numerous SSH tunnels with ncurses
23168,59566,923pbjA sandwich for every Ruby developer to enjoy
24168,91266,923pbandjA sandwich for every Ruby developer to enjoy
25169,69366,923exclaveRuby cilent for Exclave remote monitoring server
26170,67066,923footprintsTrack and visualise the full graph of a Rails request
27174,31866,923fiverMonitor and manage jobs in a live Sneakers/ActiveJob queue system
28174,38566,923interactive_recordFeature-rich browser-based UI for any ActiveRecord-supported database.
29178,18835,214rubocop-rspec-documentationLint RSpec examples embedded in Markdown files