Aussiegeek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14948rubyziprubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files
244,57465,624ispusageFetch ISP qutoa usage
394,24965,624three-usageSimple scraper to downloading remaining usage from 3 (AU)
499,58365,624coffee-haml-filterHaml filter for inline coffeescript
5114,62765,624capmongrelPlugin for capistrano to deploy to mongrel
6117,64565,624rziprzip is a supported fork of rubyzip that supports Ruby 1.9 and other modern features
7123,75765,624ssh-keysRead SSH Keys, check they are valid, read fingerprints
8139,96865,624statsy-appClient gem for Statsy