Mark22k's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1122,41066,923allocateAllocate requests memory by means of the C function malloc and can release this memory ...
2126,04766,923i2plookuperThis gem contains the module I2PLookuper, which in turn includes the classes SAMLookupe...
3139,84743,406subneticaProgram that can display IPv4 and IPv6 address information like Network, Netmask, rDNS ...
4139,88066,923icapGem, which can create Inter Exchange Client Address Protocol (ICAP) addresses from Ethe...
5142,51666,923hexdataWith hexdata you can create and read (Intel) hex data.hexdata also calculates the check...
6157,69566,923spingThis is a reimplementation in Ruby of the reference implementation of the sping protoco...
7159,87366,923brainfuck_converterGem, which makes it possible to convert any ASCII characters into brainfuck code
8166,97566,923bgeminiserverA small Gemini server, to customize with static and dynamic content. The Gem is documen...
9169,74166,923conprogressbarCreates a progressbar in a stream (for example, STDOUT).The percentage can be increased...
10170,27066,923echo-serverTCP/TLS Echo Server. Support for logging and custom certificates. Implements RFC862 "...
11170,76666,923luaapiThe Lua API runs Lua scripts. The API does this by trying to connect to a local Lua int...
12171,77643,406meshnameGem, which provides conversion and DNS resolution functions for the Meshname protocol (...
13172,84435,214stun-clientLibrary to act with STUN servers. It implements RFC3489 ("classic" STUN). It has no a...
14175,58766,923convert-serializationA simple Ruby script that can convert between different formats (msgpack / json / yaml ...
15176,63326,806rpslLibrary which provides functions for reading and writing Routing Policy Specification L...
16177,43566,923hoptrackerhoptracker is a paris-traceroute-like program that can discover the hops in the path, t...
17181,13966,923zcloneGit wrapper script to clone Git repositories from ZeroNet.
18181,83366,923tinc_scannerProvides a Tinc scanner that attempts to determine the protocol version used and the re...