Pluvie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,2347,844italian-rubyProgram in Ruby writing in Italian. Yay!
223,18213,150iris-rbIris. Ruby.
325,54313,550mangustaSimple MongoDB ODM. Yay!
447,51686,038mongodb-schedulerA gem to schedule jobs, handle parallel execution and manage the jobs queue.
555,07521,532hanami-mongoidAdds repositories and wraps Mongoid methods for Hanami.
680,59686,038parallaxEnhances Ruby inter-process communication, to boost your parallel code execution.
784,72253,556rails-dev-toolsA set of tools to help development on complex Ruby on Rails projects with many main app...
8104,01553,556rails-mongoid-schedulerA Rails engine to schedule jobs, handle parallel execution and manage the jobs queue.
9116,92886,038rails-mongoid-gatekeeperProvides various access control methods to models and controllers. To use with MongoDB.
10171,83686,038rotozipperA tool to help you rotate and zip your ruby app logs.
11176,13186,038rumboRuby library for MongoDB. Yay!