Pond's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,287760omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2OAuth 2 authentication with the Azure ActiveDirectory V2 API.
25,6243,975scimitarSCIM v2 support for Users and Groups in Ruby On Rails
325,93325,716doggoSimilar to "rspec -f d", but also indicates progress by showing the current test number...
437,75341,086rackdbDatabase console for Ruby applications running on Rack with ActiveRecord and following ...
563,1074,719omniauth-entra-idOAuth 2 authentication with the Entra ID API.
670,20341,086simple_cfbBasic read/write support for the Microsoft Compound File Binary file format
7107,90761,367safe_in_place_editingSafe In Place Editing Rails extension, providing flexible HTML safe in-place editing wi...
8119,34641,086hubssolibThe Hub SSO Library supports single sign-on across multiple Rails applications on t...
9183,17741,086ooxml_encryptionEncrypt or decrypt OOXML spreadsheets