Maths22's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2226,219gergichGergich is a little command-line tool for wiring up linters to Gerrit so you can get ni...
35,0247,287aroiActiveRecord Object Instrumenter: Instrument the creation of ActiveRecord objects
45,0286,527inst-jobsInstructure-maintained fork of delayed_job
55,1334,374saml2The saml2 library is yet another SAML library for Ruby, with an emphasis on _not_ re-im...
65,1997,353once-leronce-ler supercharges your let's and before's with the performance of before(:all)
75,7828,289i18nlinerNo .yml files. Inline defaults. Optional keys. Inferred interpolation values. Wrappers ...
85,9258,415encrypted_cookie_store-instructureA secure version of Rails' built in CookieStore
96,0708,182canvas_connectCanvas Connect is an Adobe Connect plugin for the Instructure Canvas LMS. It allows tea...
106,2228,880canvas_webexCanvas WebEx is an Cisco Webex plugin for the Instructure Canvas LMS. It allows teacher...
116,3585,091switchman-inst-jobsSwitchman and Instructure Jobs compatibility gem.
126,6748,551academic_benchmarksA ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accomp...
137,2607,215inst-jobs-statsdStats reporting for inst-jobs
147,26528,615imperiumA powerful, easy to use, Consul client
168,42512,068paul_bunyanExtensions and enhancements to Ruby's built in Logger class. Extensions include: multip...
1710,8517,353guardrailAllows multiple environments in database.yml, and dynamically switching them.
1811,54053,223ezdynLibrary and CLI tool for easy Dynect DNS updates
1912,0817,287quiz_api_clientRuby client for quiz_api
2013,7197,077activerecord-pg-extensionsSeveral extensions to ActiveRecord's PostgreSQLAdapter.
2119,25111,258dynamo-recordExtensions to Aws::Record for working with DynamoDB.
2233,78953,223mkchainCreates an intermediate chain file from the given SSL certificate
2363,63197,699inst_aws_regionsRegion to airport code mappings for instructure projects
24107,27924,029ftc_events_clientAPI Client for the FTC Events library
25153,79297,699paramsyncSyncs content from the filesystem to the aws parameter store. Derived from constancy f...