Kirinnee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
189,53230,170bucket_clientBucket Client is a ruby gem that allows programmers to interact with popular Blob Stora...
3111,78574,510anime_renamerCLI to rename anime episodes
4117,35247,329kirinnee_coreCore Module in ruby to monkey patch basic types such as enumerable, strings and numbers...
5140,96547,329kirin_httpSimple Wrapper over net/http for simpler HTTP interface
6168,24574,510binary_transformerInterface and executor for pipeline-designed transformation for binary programmatically.
7169,06974,510bt_pngquantBinary Transformer plugin for PngQuant
8169,12074,510bt_image_resizerA Binary Transformer Plugin to resize image
9169,18674,510bt_jpegoptimBinary Transformer plugin for jpeg optim. Requires jpeg optim to be available via the P...