Fizvlad's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,29363,432vk_musicA library to work with audios on popular Russian social network
253,49063,432io_requestSmall gem to create JSON request/response type of connection over IO object
386,27941,916vkdonateThis is small non-official gem which provides interface to interact with API
4107,61663,432custom_trackerA small gem to track custom events and export saved data
5109,64463,432vk_longpoll_botLibrary to work with VK API and create simple longpoll bot for group.
6132,96130,305process_observerSmall gem to get info about current list of processes.
7146,64863,432vkponchikAPI client for VK Ponchik (Keksik) donations service.
8146,89963,432command_botGeneral purpose text bots
9152,26063,432handling_queueGeneral purpose text bots