Armandfardeau's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,58341,916decidim-spam_detectionSpamDetection is a detection bot made by OpenSourcePolitics. It works with a spam de...
296,03441,916decidim-cache_cleanerA decidim cache cleaner module
3110,31641,916decidim-cleanerClean outdated data in Decidim's database.
4119,36763,432metabase_cliCli for Metabase API
5120,45263,432bonobotDescription of Bonobot.
6136,35841,916decidim-navbar_linksAdd a custom link in main menu bar.
7172,64963,432twitter2mastodonImport Tweet from twitter and publish them to Mastodon.
8176,82841,916decidim-homepage_proposalsHomepage slider for proposals.
9177,71041,916decidim-transparent_trashProvide a transparent trash where rejected initiatives are public and accessible.