1 | 7,338 | 5,460 | chutney | A linter for your Cucumber features. Making sure you have nice, expressible Gherkin is ... |
2 | 9,891 | 8,232 | faker_maker | FakerMaker is a simple factory builder so you can throw away your fixtures and generate... |
3 | 12,275 | 9,434 | parallel_report_portal | A Cucumber formatter which integrates with Report Portal and supports both the parallel... |
4 | 14,917 | 9,878 | simple_symbolize | simple_symbolize will remove special characters from a String, replacing whitespace wit... |
5 | 16,194 | 9,916 | block_repeater | Attempt a piece of code a set number of times or until a condition is met |
6 | 30,642 | 10,107 | dvla-herodotus | Provides a lightweight logger with a common format |
7 | 56,541 | 10,522 | dvla-lint | The standard Rubocop rules for the DVLA |
8 | 84,166 | 86,038 | roda-proxy | A very simple reverse proxy for Roda |
9 | 100,022 | 11,060 | dvla-browser-drivers | Browser-drivers has pre-configured web-browser drivers that can be used out-of-the-box ... |
10 | 117,276 | 16,068 | postman_paf | Unofficial gem to apply Royal Mail Rules & Exceptions when formatting PAF addresses. |
11 | 118,590 | 17,444 | dvla-atlas | A lightweight gem that encapsulates the ability to define a common set of properties fo... |
12 | 136,762 | 53,556 | dvla-dataverse-helper | This gem helps you integrate Microsoft Dataverse Web API to your ruby project |