Billyruffian's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,3385,460chutneyA linter for your Cucumber features. Making sure you have nice, expressible Gherkin is ...
29,8918,232faker_makerFakerMaker is a simple factory builder so you can throw away your fixtures and generate...
312,2759,434parallel_report_portalA Cucumber formatter which integrates with Report Portal and supports both the parallel...
414,9179,878simple_symbolizesimple_symbolize will remove special characters from a String, replacing whitespace wit...
516,1949,916block_repeaterAttempt a piece of code a set number of times or until a condition is met
630,64210,107dvla-herodotusProvides a lightweight logger with a common format
756,54110,522dvla-lintThe standard Rubocop rules for the DVLA
884,16686,038roda-proxyA very simple reverse proxy for Roda
9100,02211,060dvla-browser-driversBrowser-drivers has pre-configured web-browser drivers that can be used out-of-the-box ...
10117,27616,068postman_pafUnofficial gem to apply Royal Mail Rules & Exceptions when formatting PAF addresses.
11118,59017,444dvla-atlasA lightweight gem that encapsulates the ability to define a common set of properties fo...
12136,76253,556dvla-dataverse-helperThis gem helps you integrate Microsoft Dataverse Web API to your ruby project