1 | 17,333 | 16,639 | web_stat | Fetch the web pages and stat. |
2 | 125,534 | 63,432 | assets-minify-rails | Minify with yui-compressor, tester in propshaft. |
3 | 126,448 | 12,386 | redirect-rails | List the correspondence of the paths you want to redirect in config/redirect.yml. |
4 | 172,399 | 63,432 | coelacanth | coelacanth is a gem that allows you to easily parse and analyze web pages,
extracting k... |
5 | 177,385 | 63,432 | nautilfer | Nautilfer provides a robust and flexible way to send notifications to Microsoft Teams u... |
6 | 179,308 | 63,432 | i18n-translate-rails | Automatic translation into the target language based on the base i18n yaml. |