Xijo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1631371reverse_markdownMap simple html back into markdown, e.g. if you want to import existing html data in yo...
213,31411,978capistrano-pumaProvide deployment tasks for puma
314,71811,682deguLibrary that includes enums, and rails support for enums and bitfield sets.
417,14711,600clumpyCluster points e.g. for a map
518,08010,886helmsmanSteers your navigation through the ocean of your application
618,08011,372fortschrittnon-fancy progress
718,70611,752restrictSimple access control dsl for controllers
826,64453,556wirecard_sepaWirecard SEPA implementation
932,53617,070letsencrypt_herokuSetup SSL for heroku with letsencrypt
1033,95053,556ampel_extaseLibrary to control the build traffic light. Yes, we can…
1145,82986,038toadieAnalyze your source code, find open todos and output a nice html report.
1251,84386,038pivotalprinterGenerate nice story cards from pivotaltracker.
1355,75986,038orthrusOrthrus extends Typhoeus with remote method handling, since it is deprecated in Typhoeu...
1464,02553,556birth_controlCount active record instantiations and report them to the log
1567,87642,025sublProvides "subl" command within irb
1668,35986,038wirecard_giropayWirecard Giropay implementation
1792,57235,920letsencrypt_rackRack middleware to respond to letsencrypt challenges
1894,84586,038git-nebenanSwitch git branches based on JIRA issues.
19106,45586,038deniedSimple access control dsl for controllers