1 | 631 | 371 | reverse_markdown | Map simple html back into markdown, e.g. if you want to import existing html data in yo... |
2 | 13,314 | 11,978 | capistrano-puma | Provide deployment tasks for puma |
3 | 14,718 | 11,682 | degu | Library that includes enums, and rails support for enums and bitfield sets. |
4 | 17,147 | 11,600 | clumpy | Cluster points e.g. for a map |
5 | 18,080 | 10,886 | helmsman | Steers your navigation through the ocean of your application |
6 | 18,080 | 11,372 | fortschritt | non-fancy progress |
7 | 18,706 | 11,752 | restrict | Simple access control dsl for controllers |
8 | 26,644 | 53,556 | wirecard_sepa | Wirecard SEPA implementation |
9 | 32,536 | 17,070 | letsencrypt_heroku | Setup SSL for heroku with letsencrypt |
10 | 33,950 | 53,556 | ampel_extase | Library to control the build traffic light. Yes, we can… |
11 | 45,829 | 86,038 | toadie | Analyze your source code, find open todos and output a nice html report. |
12 | 51,843 | 86,038 | pivotalprinter | Generate nice story cards from pivotaltracker. |
13 | 55,759 | 86,038 | orthrus | Orthrus extends Typhoeus with remote method handling, since it is deprecated in Typhoeu... |
14 | 64,025 | 53,556 | birth_control | Count active record instantiations and report them to the log |
15 | 67,876 | 42,025 | subl | Provides "subl" command within irb |
16 | 68,359 | 86,038 | wirecard_giropay | Wirecard Giropay implementation |
17 | 92,572 | 35,920 | letsencrypt_rack | Rack middleware to respond to letsencrypt challenges |
18 | 94,845 | 86,038 | git-nebenan | Switch git branches based on JIRA issues. |
19 | 106,455 | 86,038 | denied | Simple access control dsl for controllers |