Svoop's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,59218,734autotest-growlThis gem aims to improve support for Growl notifications by autotest.
27,82218,051autotest-fseventAutotest relies on filesystem polling to detect modifications in source code files. Thi...
319,76935,002aixmBuild XML descriptions of aeronautical infrastructure either as AIXM 4.5 (Aeronautical ...
422,24843,325aippParse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data to either ...
538,26212,818airacCalculations for AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) cycles.
656,58415,116notamParser for NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) messages in Ruby.
762,97019,549ogn_client-rubyOGN ( broadcasts aircraft positions as APRS/APRS-IS messages. This gem ho...
8116,16261,554rodbotJust the bare minimum of what's needed to create bi-directional chat bots using Roda as...
9168,0418,113dry-credentialsManage and deploy secrets (access keys, API tokens etc) in encrypted files which can sa...
10171,73919,549minitest-flashSimple Minitest reporter to indicate the result of test runs. After every test run, the...
11171,94961,554bridgetown_credentialsCredentials like passwords, access tokens and other secrets are often passed to sites e...
12173,29119,549minitest-substituteSimple Minitest helper to replace values such as an instance variable of an object or a...
13174,93361,554rack-dedosSomewhat more radical filters designed to decimate malicious requests during a denial-o...