1 | 6,592 | 18,734 | autotest-growl | This gem aims to improve support for Growl notifications by autotest. |
2 | 7,822 | 18,051 | autotest-fsevent | Autotest relies on filesystem polling to detect modifications in source
code files. Thi... |
3 | 19,769 | 35,002 | aixm | Build XML descriptions of aeronautical infrastructure either as AIXM 4.5
(Aeronautical ... |
4 | 22,248 | 43,325 | aipp | Parse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data
to either ... |
5 | 38,262 | 12,818 | airac | Calculations for AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control)
cycles. |
6 | 56,584 | 15,116 | notam | Parser for NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) messages in Ruby. |
7 | 62,970 | 19,549 | ogn_client-ruby | OGN (glidernet.org) broadcasts aircraft positions as APRS/APRS-IS messages.
This gem ho... |
8 | 116,162 | 61,554 | rodbot | Just the bare minimum of what's needed to create bi-directional chat bots
using Roda as... |
9 | 168,041 | 8,113 | dry-credentials | Manage and deploy secrets (access keys, API tokens etc) in encrypted
files which can sa... |
10 | 171,739 | 19,549 | minitest-flash | Simple Minitest reporter to indicate the result of test runs. After every
test run, the... |
11 | 171,949 | 61,554 | bridgetown_credentials | Credentials like passwords, access tokens and other secrets are often passed
to sites e... |
12 | 173,291 | 19,549 | minitest-substitute | Simple Minitest helper to replace values such as an instance variable of an
object or a... |
13 | 174,933 | 61,554 | rack-dedos | Somewhat more radical filters designed to decimate malicious requests during
a denial-o... |