1 | 15,693 | 32,595 | captured | Because --4 is the single most useful shorcut in Macdom |
2 | 48,323 | 26,667 | infect | Asset Pipeline for Pathogen.vim |
3 | 50,515 | 129,735 | radius-toolbelt | Collection of CLI tools and Rake tasks for common activities. |
4 | 72,270 | 32,595 | doc_repo | Doc Repo: Load in app documentation via an external Github repo |
5 | 74,702 | 51,488 | omniauth-radius | Official OmniAuth strategy for Radius Networks |
6 | 75,428 | 32,595 | fixie-rails | Ryhan Hassan's awesome Fixie.js packaged up for the rails asset pipeline |
7 | 77,644 | 51,488 | gem-ag | Search installed gems with ag |
8 | 95,183 | 51,488 | radius-rails | Radius Networks Rails Assets and Generators |
9 | 124,337 | 129,735 | ssh-keyput | The easy to remember way to upload a public key for ssh |
10 | 128,193 | 129,735 | singleserving | Single Serving web server for sharing files over the local network |
11 | 146,147 | 51,488 | jbuilder-jsonapi | jBuilder extensions and helpers for JSON API |
12 | 149,609 | 51,488 | decline | Build lightweight, modular, testable command line apps. |
13 | 154,787 | 51,488 | lita-aww | A Lita handler for fetching images from /r/aww. |