Csexton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,42766,923capturedBecause --4 is the single most useful shorcut in Macdom
247,99966,923infectAsset Pipeline for Pathogen.vim
350,28617,167radius-toolbeltCollection of CLI tools and Rake tasks for common activities.
471,96166,923doc_repoDoc Repo: Load in app documentation via an external Github repo
574,26166,923omniauth-radiusOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Radius Networks
674,87966,923fixie-railsRyhan Hassan's awesome Fixie.js packaged up for the rails asset pipeline
777,25566,923gem-agSearch installed gems with ag
894,78830,535radius-railsRadius Networks Rails Assets and Generators
9123,58466,923ssh-keyputThe easy to remember way to upload a public key for ssh
10127,36743,406singleservingSingle Serving web server for sharing files over the local network
11145,48066,923jbuilder-jsonapijBuilder extensions and helpers for JSON API
12149,04166,923declineBuild lightweight, modular, testable command line apps.
13154,19666,923lita-awwA Lita handler for fetching images from /r/aww.