Preagan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,64114,206garbGoogle Analytics API Ruby Wrapper
27,47515,253capistrano_rsync_with_remote_cacheA deployment strategy for Capistrano 2.0 which combines rsync with a remote cache, allo...
321,92832,988fleakrA small, yet powerful, gem to interface with Flickr photostreams
423,17458,846simplest_authSimple implementation of authentication for Rails
533,893117,678loggableA gem that provides logging capabilities to any class
654,124117,678snip-snapA ruby library that allows you to extract images from popular image-sharing services
754,59268,530simple-gemMake gems. Simple.
855,632117,678gastropodSimple library for generating slugs
969,23677,965sluggableThis gem provides an easy way to create slugs for your ActiveRecord models
10101,61697,080dealerFirst hit is free
11120,284117,678simple-benchmarkA simple benchmarking tool for Ruby apps.
12124,135117,678inceptincept works best, put your app to the test
13126,638117,678test-fsThis gem provides an easy way to generate and destroy filesystems from within Test::Uni...