Mldeering's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3582,086pdfkitUses wkhtmltopdf to create PDFs using HTML
22,7474,503attribute_normalizerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
34,3127,465gravatar_image_tagA configurable and documented Rails view helper for adding gravatars into your Rails ap...
423,56663,432omniauth-surveymonkeyOmniAuth strategy for the SurveyMonkey developer API
523,62730,305flash_messages_helperA simple yet configurable rails view helper for displaying flash messages.
640,32663,432phillumenyCollection of RSpec matchers for verbose testers.
748,01663,432attribute_localizerAttribute serialization and recall for multilingual model attributes.
849,92563,432surveymonkey-styleSet of common SurveyMonkey coding and linting settings and configurations
959,19563,432guard-yardstickGuard::Yardstick automatically checks your code for missing yardocs when files are mod...
1073,25130,305nestive_renderingA Rails gem for awesome nested templates, layouts and paritals
1180,24763,432bootyBring 'er alongside. Tis be eh Ruby gem that converts english t' pirate speak. Arrr.
1292,12963,432bootstrap-sass-backportBackport to Rails 3 Twitter's Bootstrap, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails...
13105,42763,432stationaryConfigurable Rails Engine For Serving Static Pages
14117,20563,432growl_mailerWill Growl Message Deliveries
15119,21963,432mdeering-acts_as_treeSpecify this acts_as extension if you want to model a tree structure by providing a par...
16120,87263,432lazy-searchlogicSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive. (lazy pol...
17122,42963,432brandyBesides being a flexible responsive admin theme I hope for this to be a great learning ...
18122,62663,432fontanaGet your font on without all of the hassle of preconverting your fonts to every possibl...
19154,43063,432authentication_systemWell rounded authenticication system for use with authlogic.
20159,86763,432mdeering-styleMy opinionated and even sometimes misinformed style and code linting configurations
21163,70063,432marketeerMarketing Engine
22164,27063,432envelopeA Rails engine for managing application configuration that includes a backend and allow...
23166,79263,432bitsmithBitSmith digital publishing platform
24166,84563,432bitsmith_coreCore shared models, tasks, and other resources for bitsmith.
25166,84563,432bitsmith_backendBackend for the BitSmith digital publishing platform.
26167,03641,916rack-universal_analyticsRack middleware for inserting Google Universal Analytics and calling its API.
27167,56863,432banksyTag anything you want
28167,75963,432bitsmith_bootstrapA robust set of frontend design modules and layouts for the BitSmith multi-tenent CMS
29168,78563,432soft_validationsAdds soft validations (warnings) to ActiveModel
30169,57863,432double_clickRack application for Google DFP. Comes packaged with optional and independant Rails and...
31175,44741,916portraitConverts a website into an image or pde
32175,45741,916portrait-railsRails helpers and generators for portrait image gem
33175,47463,432usabilla-apiClaiming gem name for now to avoid any issues with internal hosting and developmenet fo...
34175,47841,916rack-portraitRack application wrapper around portrait image gem
35182,44763,432llm-graphllm-graph is a Ruby gem that provides verioned llm conversation graphs. It supports bot...