Mikker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,9196,052ecs-loggingWrite a longer description or delete this line.
211,2708,155passwordlessAdd authentication to your app without all the ickyness of passwords.
316,19126,609opbeatThe official Opbeat Ruby client library
421,02611,244classnamesBuild classname strings using any kind of arguments.
542,74653,556rails-credsShorter, env-scoped version of Rails' credentials
665,01153,556render_with_viewBe explicit about what you send to your Rails views
7104,57742,025l10n-simplifiedThe goal is to have a dead simple plugin for one-language (non-english) Rails applicati...
8143,95286,038omniauth-firmafonOmniAuth strategy for Firmafon
9182,17286,038nitro_kitWIP, not usable yet
10182,29931,663ignition_kitWIP, not usable yet