1 | 5,416 | 6,031 | google_distance_matrix | Ruby client for The Google Distance Matrix API |
2 | 5,457 | 5,989 | google_business_api_url_signer | Signs URLs used to call Google's business APIs |
3 | 20,356 | 33,946 | google_static_maps_helper | This gem provides a simple interface to the Google Static Maps V2 API. |
4 | 32,922 | 47,329 | massive_record | HBase Ruby client API |
5 | 35,400 | 74,510 | ink_file_picker | Client for Ink File Picker |
6 | 44,744 | 74,510 | devise_facebook_open_graph | Extends Devise with an authentication strategy against Facebook's Open Graph and it's J... |
7 | 47,482 | 74,510 | brreg_grunndata | Access BRREG's grunndata |
8 | 92,433 | 33,946 | quest_back | Ruby client for QuestBack's SOAP API. |