Paulholden's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,80463,432springcm-sdkA library for working with the SpringCM REST API and associated objects in Ruby applica...
265,80663,432bigsisterA gem for generating reports on the contents of local and remote files and folders.
382,84716,639prontoformsA library for using the ProntoForms REST API in Ruby applications.
483,46863,432taleoA library for using the Taleo REST API
5105,18763,432zoho-sdkA library for interacting with Zoho applications via REST API.
6109,67663,432oracle_hcmA library for interacting with the Oracle HCM REST API.
7153,97263,432esqlA library for ActiveRecord scoping using simple expressions.
8159,89463,432smushConvert hashes to (and from) a flattened key-value pair.