1 | 15,568 | 41,086 | envjs | A browser environment for javascript interpreters.
This is a fork of the env.js projec... |
2 | 17,318 | 33,893 | johnson | Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the
Mozilla SpiderMonkey J... |
3 | 20,690 | 61,367 | capybara-envjs | capybara-envjs is a Capybara driver for the envjs gem. It is similar to Capybara's rack... |
4 | 33,013 | 61,367 | smparkes-envjs | Browser environment for javascript interpreters |
5 | 36,761 | 61,367 | sq-dbsync | Column based, timestamp replication of MySQL and Postgres databases. |
6 | 38,789 | 33,893 | smparkes-watchr | Modern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest). |
7 | 39,870 | 61,367 | jslintrb | jslintrb is a packaged version of Douglas Crockford's JSLint JavaScript code checker.
... |
8 | 42,268 | 41,086 | smparkes-jazrb | Jazrb provides support for running specs based on the Jasmine JS BDD using the env.js J... |
9 | 62,574 | 61,367 | smparkes-eventmachine | EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network
communicat... |
10 | 62,617 | 61,367 | smparkes-johnson | Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the
Mozilla SpiderMonkey J... |
11 | 85,871 | 61,367 | dramatis | an Actor library for Ruby and Python |
12 | 89,786 | 61,367 | jazrb | Jazrb provides support for running specs based on the Jasmine JS BDD using the env.js J... |
13 | 111,014 | 61,367 | jazz | Jazz provides support for running specs based on frameworks like Jasmine using the env.... |
14 | 120,686 | 41,086 | wake | continious building |
15 | 123,550 | 61,367 | jsrat | A JavaScript framework for writing intergration tests, a la Webrat and Capybara.
Not y... |
16 | 123,726 | 61,367 | kibosh | An XMPP BOSH connection manager, written in Ruby with EventMachine and
usable as both a... |