1 | 16,410 | 15,119 | fastlane-plugin-analyze_ios_ipa | analysis iOS app/ipa multiple data. eg: 1) ipa basic info 2) Size occupied by each comp... |
2 | 54,255 | 16,548 | fastlane-plugin-git_clone | a wrapper for git clone command |
3 | 75,168 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-upload_dsym | upload dsym to your specify server |
4 | 78,826 | 26,552 | fastlane-plugin-make | Linux GNU Makefile make wrapper |
5 | 79,549 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-ipa_install_plist_generate | iOS ipa enterprise install plist generate plugn |
6 | 82,233 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-analyze_ios_framework | analysis ios framework in buildout or pods dir |
7 | 93,605 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-gitlab_get_max_version_branch | get a max version branch from a gitlab project, like: master_5.11.9 |
8 | 95,673 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-analyze_ios_linkmap | iOS parse linkmap.txt to ruby Hash |
9 | 102,604 | 32,525 | fastlane-plugin-git_add_tag | git add tag wrapper |
10 | 107,227 | 32,525 | fastlane-plugin-wechat | this is a wechat api wrapper |
11 | 122,557 | 17,573 | fastlane-plugin-source_env_from_file | set ENV["key"]=value from file like key=value |
12 | 122,665 | 32,525 | xzhhaha | 这是我的一个简单的 Ruby 库 |
13 | 127,553 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-rm_derived_data | de |
14 | 127,722 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-gitlab_merge_request_add_note | add merge request note for gitlab server api |
15 | 156,715 | 32,525 | fastlane-plugin-git_remove_tag | remove git origin and remote repo tag |
16 | 159,341 | 32,525 | fastlane-plugin-gitlab_merge_request_participants | Get a list of merge request participants |
17 | 160,801 | 54,789 | cocoapods-NameMappedModule | create pod name mapping to framework. |
18 | 161,496 | 32,525 | fastlane-plugin-gitlab_increate_swiftlint | Incremental Code Check using swiftlint for swift language files on gitlab platform ! |
19 | 161,572 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-gitlab_increate_line_notes | filter gitlab merge request changes files & swiftlint json, last add line code with git... |
20 | 162,495 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-gitlab_branch_diff | gitlab compare two branch to get diffs |
21 | 165,534 | 54,789 | simple_dsl_parser | a simple DSL Parser |
22 | 171,815 | 32,525 | onecmd | a iOS dev comand line tools |
23 | 173,484 | 54,789 | fastlane-plugin-open_finder | this is tool for mac os x to open finder |