1 | 2,938 | 1,353 | code_ownership | A gem to help engineering teams declare ownership of code |
2 | 3,100 | 2,668 | apollo-federation | A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation |
3 | 3,140 | 1,440 | code_teams | A low-dependency gem for declaring and querying engineering teams |
4 | 3,364 | 1,520 | parse_packwerk | A low-dependency gem for parsing and writing packwerk YML files |
5 | 3,387 | 1,397 | packwerk-extensions | A collection of extensions for packwerk packages. |
6 | 3,451 | 1,534 | packs | Provides CLI tools for working with ruby packs. |
7 | 3,639 | 1,454 | packs-specification | The specification for packs in the `rubyatscale` ecosystem. |
8 | 3,987 | 1,659 | packs-rails | packs-rails establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large mono... |
9 | 4,551 | 2,233 | rubocop-packs | A collection of Rubocop rules for gradually modularizing a ruby codebase |
10 | 6,012 | 2,660 | pack_stats | A gem to collect statistics about modularization progress in a Rails application using ... |
11 | 7,541 | 5,789 | visualize_packwerk | A gem to visualize connections in a Rails app that uses Packwerk |
12 | 7,787 | 4,669 | buildkite-builder | Buildkite Builder is a tool that provides projects using Buildkite to have dynamic pipe... |
13 | 7,941 | 6,097 | use_packs | UsePacks is a gem that helps in creating and maintaining packwerk packages. |
14 | 9,037 | 21,373 | stimpack | stimpack establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large monoliths. |
15 | 9,753 | 6,937 | grpc-web | Host gRPC-Web endpoints for Ruby gRPC services in a Rack or Rails app(over HTTP/1.1). C... |
16 | 9,919 | 6,899 | ar-query-matchers | These RSpec matchers allow guarding against N+1 queries by specifying exactly how many ... |
17 | 10,704 | 3,464 | visualize_packs | A gem to visualize connections in a Ruby app that uses packs |
18 | 10,894 | 14,527 | validate-rb | Simple, powerful, and constraint-based validation |
19 | 13,454 | 15,154 | rack-security-middleware | Middleware collection to secure a Rack application |
20 | 13,696 | 4,585 | danger-packwerk | Danger plugin for packwerk. |
21 | 14,022 | 29,922 | greenhouse_api | API client for working with Greenhouse Harvest API |
22 | 18,997 | 20,904 | package_protections | Package protections for Rails apps |
23 | 20,050 | 26,640 | modularization_statistics | A gem to collect statistics about modularization progress in a Rails application using ... |
24 | 20,528 | 20,904 | bigrails-redis | Redis connection manager for Rails applications. |
25 | 24,026 | 14,988 | deprecation_helper | This is a simple, low-dependency gem for managing deprecations. |
26 | 24,868 | 15,520 | explicit_activerecord | This is a gem for using ActiveRecord more explicitly. |
27 | 32,169 | 100,830 | use_packwerk | UsePackwerk is a gem that helps in creating and maintaining packwerk packages. |
28 | 33,529 | 9,682 | code_manifest | A code manifest |
29 | 36,166 | 60,239 | bigrails-teams | A low-dependency gem for declaring and querying engineering teams |
30 | 51,773 | 69,439 | contract_value_object | Validate that your objects have the right inputs. |
31 | 91,127 | 45,384 | omniauth-gusto | OmniAuth strategy for authenticating to use Gusto’s API with OAuth 2 |
32 | 165,194 | 129,722 | rubocop-modularization | Fill this out! |
33 | 171,576 | 29,922 | rspec-retryable | Adds ability to fully control RSpec retrying |
34 | 176,239 | 129,722 | rails_http_preload | Automatically add a `link` header directing clients to `preconnect` to your `asset_host... |