Gusto-open-source's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1752,158apollo-federationA Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation
23,6541,486code_ownershipA gem to help engineering teams declare ownership of code
33,9261,642code_teamsA low-dependency gem for declaring and querying engineering teams
44,1441,692parse_packwerkA low-dependency gem for parsing and writing packwerk YML files
54,1691,939packwerk-extensionsA collection of extensions for packwerk packages.
64,3871,696packsProvides CLI tools for working with ruby packs.
75,3421,867packs-railspacks-rails establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large mono...
85,3512,289rubocop-packsA collection of Rubocop rules for gradually modularizing a ruby codebase
95,3951,722packs-specificationThe specification for packs in the `rubyatscale` ecosystem.
106,5865,163pack_statsA gem to collect statistics about modularization progress in a Rails application using ...
118,1265,144buildkite-builderBuildkite Builder is a tool that provides projects using Buildkite to have dynamic pipe...
128,4847,011stimpackstimpack establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large monoliths.
1310,0105,998grpc-webHost gRPC-Web endpoints for Ruby gRPC services in a Rack or Rails app(over HTTP/1.1). C...
1410,8387,267validate-rbSimple, powerful, and constraint-based validation
1510,8682,573visualize_packwerkA gem to visualize connections in a Rails app that uses Packwerk
1611,0864,682ar-query-matchersThese RSpec matchers allow guarding against N+1 queries by specifying exactly how many ...
1711,6382,586use_packsUsePacks is a gem that helps in creating and maintaining packwerk packages.
1813,27311,199rack-security-middlewareMiddleware collection to secure a Rack application
1913,52024,037greenhouse_apiAPI client for working with Greenhouse Harvest API
2015,1885,901visualize_packsA gem to visualize connections in a Ruby app that uses packs
2118,49522,345package_protectionsPackage protections for Rails apps
2219,58016,541modularization_statisticsA gem to collect statistics about modularization progress in a Rails application using ...
2320,24132,305bigrails-redisRedis connection manager for Rails applications.
2420,73610,223danger-packwerkDanger plugin for packwerk.
2525,55111,515deprecation_helperThis is a simple, low-dependency gem for managing deprecations.
2626,50411,883explicit_activerecordThis is a gem for using ActiveRecord more explicitly.
2733,15774,122use_packwerkUsePackwerk is a gem that helps in creating and maintaining packwerk packages.
2835,447110,038bigrails-teamsA low-dependency gem for declaring and querying engineering teams
2945,57413,371code_manifestA code manifest
3050,072110,038contract_value_objectValidate that your objects have the right inputs.
3196,07952,727omniauth-gustoOmniAuth strategy for authenticating to use Gusto’s API with OAuth 2
32168,13580,166rubocop-modularizationFill this out!
33175,48397,459rails_http_preloadAutomatically add a `link` header directing clients to `preconnect` to your `asset_host...