1 | 2,025 | 2,220 | capybara-email | Test your ActionMailer and Mailer messages in Capybara |
2 | 2,933 | 4,031 | client_side_validations | Client Side Validations made easy for your Rails 6.1, 7.x, and 8.0 applications |
3 | 4,091 | 4,586 | client_side_validations-simple_form | SimpleForm Plugin for ClientSideValidations |
4 | 5,786 | 5,689 | valid_attribute | Minimalist validation matcher |
5 | 10,917 | 61,367 | decoder | Decoder |
6 | 11,332 | 25,716 | client_side_validations-mongoid | Mongoid Plugin for ClientSideValidations |
7 | 15,735 | 12,281 | party_foul | Auto-submit Rails exceptions as new issues on GitHub |
8 | 21,391 | 61,367 | capybara-extensions | Complements Capybara with additional finders and matchers. |
9 | 23,080 | 41,086 | client_side_validations-formtastic | Formtastic Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons |
10 | 25,698 | 19,101 | better_ar | Better Active Record finders |
11 | 26,211 | 18,157 | easy_auth | EasyAuth |
12 | 26,221 | 61,367 | remarkable_mongoid | RSpec Matchers for Mongoid |
13 | 32,162 | 33,893 | es6_module_transpiler-rails | Compile ES6 modules in the asset pipeline |
14 | 33,350 | 21,627 | ember-appkit-rails | Ember App Kit for Rails |
15 | 35,230 | 41,086 | client_side_validations-rails_2 | Client Side Validations support for Rails 2.x |
16 | 38,153 | 33,893 | context_validations | Context based validations for ActiveRecord models |
17 | 43,716 | 17,333 | pages | Pages. |
18 | 44,251 | 21,627 | minitest-moar | Moar Minitest Please! |
19 | 44,542 | 61,367 | client_side_validations-turbolinks | Turbolinks Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons |
20 | 44,585 | 33,893 | easy_auth-github | EasyAuth-Github |
21 | 51,584 | 61,367 | easy_auth-facebook | EasyAuth-Facebook |
22 | 52,422 | 61,367 | validation_reflection-active_model | ActiveModel Interface for validation_reflection |
23 | 55,823 | 61,367 | easy_auth-linked_in | EasyAuth-LinkedIn |
24 | 56,912 | 61,367 | easy_auth-twitter | EasyAuth-Twitter |
25 | 57,019 | 61,367 | easy_auth-oauth2 | EasyAuth-Oauth2 |
26 | 57,315 | 61,367 | easy_auth-google | EasyAuth-Google |
27 | 58,420 | 61,367 | easy_auth-password | EasyAuth-Password |
28 | 63,229 | 61,367 | client_side_validations-mongo_mapper | MongoMapper Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons |
29 | 70,660 | 61,367 | easy_auth-oauth_core | EasyAuth-OauthCore |
30 | 77,226 | 61,367 | easy_auth-oauth | EasyAuth-Oauth |
31 | 108,493 | 61,367 | fixtory | Fixtures and Factories living together, mass hysterica |
32 | 109,446 | 61,367 | stashable_params | Easily stash your params for later use. |
33 | 122,343 | 61,367 | vcs_client | This gem provides all the plumbing to interact with the Voter Checkout Service |
34 | 125,457 | 61,367 | gemstats | Analytics for your Gemfile |
35 | 126,734 | 61,367 | client_side_validations-ember | Ember Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons |
36 | 127,325 | 61,367 | validatable-active_model | ActiveModel Interface for validatable |
37 | 137,386 | 61,367 | super_duper_string | Completely useless gem |
38 | 145,239 | 61,367 | viga | Test harness API endpoints |
39 | 154,333 | 61,367 | zypr | API wrapper for zypr web service |
40 | 164,307 | 61,367 | invitable | Invitable |