G_ogata's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8261,490junit_mergeTool to merge JUnit XML reports.
25,7456,192lookseeSupercharged method introspection in IRB.
38,04719,964respecRerun failing RSpec examples easily.
412,18436,705cloud_formerThis gem creates a Ruby DSL around the AWS CloudFormation JSON template structure.
516,22757,843bulldogProvides file attachments for ActiveRecord objects. Designed for high-volume use.
618,74318,696active_nomadActiveRecord objects with a customizable persistence strategy.
724,16557,843redis_scriptsElegant redis scripting for ruby.
824,90657,843rednessHelpful Ruby classes for improved Redis data structures
925,39436,705ritualAdds tasks and helpers to your Rakefile to manage releases in a lightweight manner.
1029,29057,843template_streamingAdds a #flush helper to Rails which flushes the output buffer to the client before the ...
1132,08257,843experimentalAB Test framework for Rails
1232,96630,494castC parser and AST constructor.
1334,94857,843enum_tableEnumeration tables for ActiveRecord
1436,75636,705rack_after_replyRack hook which fires after the socket to the client is closed.
1540,41657,843redis_master_slaveRedis master-slave client for Ruby.
1642,52657,843db_naziEncourage good DB practices in ActiveRecord migrations.
1745,63736,705temporariesSet temporary values declaratively.
1855,89757,843fragGenerate regions of files from the output of shell commands.
1957,73557,843syphonSyphon data from an Arel source into ElasticSearch
2067,56857,843event_machine_flushFor when you've abandoned all hope.
2171,48357,843gem_infoA rubygems plugin which adds an 'info' command which prints information about gems. Un...
2275,60857,843rspec_outlinesCucumber scenario outlines for RSpec.
2384,02957,843inverse_ofAdds the :inverse option to Active Record associations for Active Record 2.3.0 -- 2.3.5.
24104,76757,843elastic_search_thriftThrift client for ElasticSearch
25117,86157,843command_testTest your ruby programs run commands exactly the way you expect.
26121,05657,843patch-html_namespacingInserts "class=" attributes within snippets of HTML so CSS and JavaScript can use autom...
27122,23836,705patch-asset_libraryManage and bundle CSS and JavaScript files
28130,04857,843flipitFlip tables.
29133,01957,843proxihashHashes for geospatial proximity searches.
30148,78857,843red_pandasTODO: Write a gem description
31159,22157,843gem-fuzzyA Rubygems plugin which adds a 'fuzzy' command which fuzzy-searches for gems and prints...