Tecracer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,3642,410train-restProvides a transport to communicate easily with RESTful APIs.
248,71218,157train-awsssmTrain plugin to use the AWS Systems Manager Agent to execute commands on machines witho...
371,15961,367inspec-chefThis plugin allows InSpec 'inputs' to be provided by Chef Server.
499,08025,716inspec-reporter-flexPlugin for templated reports
5101,29061,367chef-raketasksProvides a central repository of the most essential tasks
6117,99561,367kitchen-staticTest Kitchen driver for static hosts
7139,47961,367canteenA Rack-based web library with a little magic.
8144,82361,367trainshBased on the Train ecosystem, provide a shell to manage systems via a multitude of tran...
9159,91361,367kitchen-transport-trainUse the Train transport ecosystem for all your Kitchen needs
10164,95161,367train-telnetAllows applications using Train connect via Telnet
11165,18561,367safekeeperNew gem
12165,23961,367train-serialAllows applications using Train to speak to serial interaces, like console ports
13166,03361,367train-vsphere-gomExecute commands via VMware Tools (without need for network)
14166,67561,367cooksmateNew gem
15170,29661,367inspec-tkinfoAllows reading instance name, suite name and platform name in tests.
16172,64061,367custom_cookstyleNo functionality
17173,71461,367custom_raketasksNo functionality
18173,96361,367cookbook_generatorNo functionality
19173,99361,367inspec-reporter-tapPlugin following TAP/TAP13
20175,23661,367ashibaUse Ashiba to generate directory hierarchies according to templates