1 | 11,068 | 69,639 | health-data-standards | A library for generating and consuming various healthcare related formats. These includ... |
2 | 15,569 | 46,004 | quality-measure-engine | A library for running clinical quality measures |
3 | 18,683 | 16,148 | cqm-models | This library contains auto generated Mongo (Mongoid) models that correspond to the QDM ... |
4 | 23,876 | 17,458 | cqm-reports | A library for import and export of reports for use with electronic Clinical Quality Mea... |
5 | 30,875 | 19,398 | cqm-parsers | A library for parsing HQMF documents. |
6 | 31,206 | 46,004 | hquery-patient-api | A javascript library abstraction for dealing with patients in hQuery map reduce functions |
7 | 39,182 | 32,817 | cql_qdm_patientapi | Interface from HDS patient model to QDM CQL execution engine |
8 | 40,863 | 37,317 | bonnie_bundler | A Gem for creating and managing bonnie bundles |
9 | 43,529 | 46,004 | hqmf2js | A library for converting HQMF files to executable JavaScript suitable for use with the ... |
10 | 53,912 | 37,317 | cqm-converter | HDS <=> QDM Model Converter |
11 | 94,741 | 69,639 | fhir-mongoid-models | This library contains auto generated Mongo (Mongoid) models that correspond to the FHIR... |
12 | 107,462 | 46,004 | simplexml_parser | A Gem for parsing MAT SimpleXml files into the health data standards HQMF Model |