1 | 12,646 | 53,556 | formize | Adds some form helper to Rails (>= 3.2). |
2 | 12,874 | 12,701 | active_list | Generates action methods to provide clean tables. |
3 | 14,362 | 53,556 | active-list | Dummy transitional package for active_list |
4 | 17,184 | 42,025 | agric | Agricultural font based on FontAwesome and Fontello tools |
5 | 17,291 | 35,920 | beardley | Generate reports using JasperReports reporting tool |
6 | 18,368 | 16,361 | i18n-complements | I18n missing functionnalities |
7 | 21,835 | 42,025 | charta | Simple tool over geos and co |
8 | 24,822 | 35,920 | paperclip-document | Processors for paperclip |
9 | 25,951 | 53,556 | onoma | Actual support Open-Nomenclature data and gem for use |
10 | 28,796 | 42,025 | beardley-xml | XML jars for Beardley |
11 | 30,019 | 42,025 | beardley-groovy | Groovy for Beardley |
12 | 31,114 | 42,025 | code_string | Like AS::SafeBuffer, a way to manage code string safely for code generation |
13 | 32,259 | 53,556 | beardley-barcode | Barcode jars used by Beardley gem |
14 | 32,616 | 42,025 | beardley-open_sans | Permits to use Open Sans and Open Sans Light fonts |
15 | 32,918 | 42,025 | beardley-batik | Batik for Beardley |
16 | 36,225 | 53,556 | beardley-charts | Charts for Beardley |
17 | 44,072 | 53,556 | ekylibre-ofx-parser | == DESCRIPTION:
ofx-parser is a ruby library to parse a realistic subset of the length... |
18 | 57,923 | 42,025 | beardley-core | Core jars used by Beardley gem |
19 | 90,444 | 86,038 | ekylibre-plugin_system | Plugin system for Rails built around a Dependency Injection Container |
20 | 102,254 | 31,663 | lexicon-common | Common classes and services for Ekylibre's Lexicon |
21 | 124,758 | 53,556 | onload-transformer | A short extension of Sprockets to wrap JS libs so they wait for DOMContentLoaded |
22 | 163,200 | 53,556 | ekylibre-cartography | Map tools to display and edit shapes |
23 | 164,918 | 42,025 | lexicon-cli | Basic Cli for the Lexicon |
24 | 174,078 | 86,038 | ekylibre-multi_tenancy | Apartment integration as a plugin for Ekylibre |