Morgoth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1364,897delayed_paperclipProcess your Paperclip attachments in the background with ActiveJob
24,5998,230active_model-errors_detailsBackported from Rails 5.0 to use with 4.x versions
34,62629,456toadhopperA base library for Airbrake error reporting
45,24561,367airbrake_handlerChef handler for sending exceptions to Airbrake
56,4175,804braze_rubyWrapper for Braze API
66,72812,065que-webA web interface for the que queue
79,93661,367alexaAlexa Web Information Service library (AWIS)
813,10641,086bridgeUseful contract bridge utilities - deal generator, id to deal and deal to id conversion
914,46910,140picasaRuby client for Google Picasa API
1019,19461,367toadhopper-sinatraPost Hoptoad notifications from Sinatra
1131,07661,367chef-sudoProvides chef sudo resource for executing commands with sudo
1234,44761,367winnieCommand line tool which allows interacting with winnie's API
1337,58961,367centrum_fakturRuby client for Centrum Faktur API
1442,40861,367rails-pg-extras-webWeb UI for rails-pg-extras
1548,38221,627objectreload-vote_fuVoting for ActiveRecord with multiple vote sources and advanced features.
1652,01361,367xxxTo watch a porn just type from your command line: xxx
1752,65361,367hoptoad_handlerChef handler for sending exceptions to Hoptoad
1855,01461,367active_model-email_confirmationSimple email confirmation model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model
1963,39561,367beaconpushGem for adding Beacon support into your application
2079,17520,275fractual_i18nSupports loading translation files from views folder
21102,71341,086simple_data_migrationsData migrations (mainly for Rails)
22128,29841,086moneybookersRuby client for Moneybookers Automated Payment Interface and Payment Gateway
23132,67161,367simple_recaptchaSimple Google reCAPTCHA library
24140,47661,367linParser for contract bridge board lin notation
25159,20861,367bcalcC lib wrapper for Bridge Calculator