Dvarrui's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,75278,154teutonIntrastructure test, useful for: (1) Sysadmin teachers to evaluate students remote ma...
232,0599,873asker-toolASKER helps trainers to create a huge amount of questions, from a definitions input file.
367,64378,154teuton-serverTeutonServer listen requests from TeutonClients. Responds executing Teuton evaluation...
467,87278,154learn-japaneseLearn Japanese (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
5102,69878,154teuton-clientTeutonClient send evaluation requests to TeutonServer. Teuton Software is an infrast...
6106,62978,154guess_osTry to guess the operating system installed on the host (local or remote). Using SSH to...
7110,54678,154ruby-zenDisplay Ruby ZEN rules.
8123,24178,154tool-markdownDetect broken links into Markdown files.
9123,38878,154teuton-getFind and download Teuton Test.
10147,18578,154zettacodeMagage files from Rosetta Code web site.
11166,54178,154zen-rubyMuestra las reglas del ZEN de Ruby
12170,81458,145japones-toolAprender japonés