1 | 3,067 | 2,959 | jruby-rack | JRuby-Rack is a combined Java and Ruby library that adapts the Java Servlet API to Rack... |
2 | 3,223 | 6,776 | minitest-chef-handler | Run minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system. |
3 | 5,588 | 11,562 | engineyard-serverside-adapter | A separate adapter for speaking the CLI language of the engineyard-serverside gem. |
4 | 5,794 | 7,592 | engineyard-serverside | A gem that deploys ruby applications on EY Cloud instances |
5 | 6,907 | 16,296 | trinidad | Trinidad allows you to run Rails or Rack applications within an embedded Apache Tomcat ... |
6 | 7,258 | 22,467 | trinidad_jars | Bundled version of Tomcat and a slice of Java required by Trinidad. |
7 | 15,053 | 22,467 | trinidad_init_services | Trinidad init service scripts on Apache Commons Daemon and JRuby-Jsvc, compatible with ... |
8 | 15,812 | 12,268 | dnapi | API for chef DNA. |
9 | 16,622 | 28,543 | trinidad_daemon_extension | Trinidad extension to run the Apache Tomcat server as a daemon (for Unix only). |
10 | 27,686 | 59,086 | jruby-lint | This utility presents hints and suggestions to
give you an idea of potentially troubl... |
11 | 30,024 | 59,086 | trinidad_dbpool | Addon to support database pools in Trinidad |
12 | 32,078 | 59,086 | oos4ruby | oos4ruby is a ruby binding for the 11870 API |
13 | 36,402 | 59,086 | trinidad_sandbox_extension | Sandox console for Trinidad. It allows to manage the applications deployed on Trinidad. |
14 | 37,614 | 35,677 | enterprise-ohai | Ohai plugins for enterprise. |
15 | 38,118 | 35,677 | trinidad_daemon | Trinidad daemon based on Apache Commons Daemon and JRuby-jsvc |
16 | 38,752 | 35,677 | trinidad_hotdeploy_extension | Perform hot deploys on Trinidad ala Passenger |
17 | 39,104 | 28,543 | trinidad_logging_extension | Configure logging service for Trinidad |
18 | 40,678 | 59,086 | ape | The Atom Protocol Exerciser |
19 | 40,969 | 35,677 | ey_cli | More user friendly CLI for Engine Yard cloud. Use undocumented APIs |
20 | 43,431 | 59,086 | tenderloin | Tenderloin is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments... |
21 | 45,537 | 35,677 | trinidad_postgresql_dbpool_extension | Addon to support PostgreSQL database pools in Trinidad |
22 | 50,259 | 59,086 | trinidad_lifecycle_extension | This extension allows you to add lifecycle listeners to Trinidad's server container as ... |
23 | 50,979 | 35,677 | trinidad_mysql_dbpool_extension | Addon to support MySQL database pools in Trinidad |
24 | 74,674 | 59,086 | html_cruncher | HTML Cruncher is a streaming parser that'll gladly crunch through anything mildly resem... |
25 | 96,944 | 59,086 | trinidad_resque_extension | Trinidad extension to autoconfigure and launch Resque |
26 | 99,246 | 59,086 | vagrant-sync | rsync for Vagrant |
27 | 122,140 | 59,086 | trinidad_diagnostics_extension | Plugin that uses JRuby-lint to run diagnostics for the application before Trinidad star... |
28 | 125,404 | 59,086 | marabunta | Large scale distribution and deployment of virtual disks using BitTorrent, Capistrano a... |
29 | 131,019 | 59,086 | trinidad_rack | Simple Rack module and servlet for Trinidad based on Mizuno |
30 | 135,109 | 59,086 | vm-watcher | Continuous VM provisioning |
31 | 135,215 | 59,086 | vagrant-ip | Get the IP from the bridged guest |