1 | 666 | 451 | recaptcha | Helpers for the reCAPTCHA API |
2 | 18,413 | 86,038 | rack-google_analytics | Embeds Google Analytics tracking code in the bottom of HTML documents |
3 | 27,187 | 86,038 | backupgem | Beginning-to-end solution for backups and rotation. |
4 | 52,940 | 86,038 | passiverecord | Pacifying overactive records |
5 | 53,908 | 53,556 | google-client_login | A simple library for authenticating against the Google ClientLogin API |
6 | 71,149 | 86,038 | easy_arel | Shorthand references to `arel_table` in ActiveRecord for lazy people, like me. |
7 | 84,315 | 42,025 | bundler-github | A hack for using shorthand like `:github => 'ambethia/recaptcha'` instead
of a full... |
8 | 106,889 | 86,038 | ambethia-mousetrap | CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby |
9 | 122,187 | 86,038 | constantine | Looks further than the obvious when trying to create a constant from a string |
10 | 124,702 | 86,038 | basic | Boilerplate for building Rails apps. An opinionated framework for quickly building up c... |
11 | 125,546 | 86,038 | werewolf | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
12 | 133,455 | 86,038 | time_tag_in_words | Example rails plugin for a talk on publishing ruby gems |
13 | 145,302 | 86,038 | yolo-swag | Meta-programming for millennials. Aliases `send` to `yolo`. |