1 | 5,465 | 2,476 | pay | Stripe, Paddle, and Braintree payments for Ruby on Rails apps |
2 | 157,904 | 63,432 | vimeo_ruby | A Ruby gem for interacting with the Vimeo API |
3 | 159,829 | 63,432 | date_night | Friendly ways to format dates. Instead of looking up strftime options all the time like... |
4 | 162,338 | 63,432 | complete | A Ruby on Rails gem for marking records as complete. |
5 | 173,784 | 63,432 | git_fonky | Do 'em all at once. |
6 | 174,188 | 63,432 | murdoks_studio_game | This gem is designed to be a stand alone game or the modules can be used to extend func... |
7 | 177,028 | 63,432 | petri_dish | PetriDish - Under the microscope |
8 | 179,005 | 63,432 | parity_prop | A gem to partition an array of integers based on parity |
9 | 180,933 | 30,305 | road_to_el_duration | Easily update the duration of a parent object when child objects are added or removed. |
10 | 180,976 | 63,432 | gem_garden | Tend to your garden of gems. Keep it tidy, remove the weeds aka unused gems. |
11 | 181,476 | 63,432 | venmo_money_venmo_problems | Sendin' and spendin' monies |