1 | 347 | 383 | rack-attack | A rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests |
2 | 1,725 | 1,825 | dalli-elasticache | This gem provides an interface for fetching cluster information from an AWS
ElastiC... |
3 | 5,750 | 9,662 | maildir | A ruby library for reading and writing arbitrary messages in DJB's maildir format |
4 | 6,381 | 8,066 | ipcat | A ruby port of the ipcat library: https://github.com/rale/ipcat/ |
5 | 10,108 | 59,086 | rack-active_record_status | A server health check for active_record. |
6 | 10,922 | 24,889 | capistrano-hivequeen | Capistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen |
7 | 15,852 | 28,543 | egads | A collection of scripts for making a deployable tarball of a git commit,
uploading it t... |
8 | 18,072 | 16,885 | vlad-git | Vlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all
modules outside ... |
9 | 23,404 | 35,677 | configs | Easy (easier?) management of config/*.yml files. Defines a lookup priority for the curr... |
10 | 27,058 | 11,810 | replica_pools | Connection proxy for ActiveRecord for leader / replica setups. |
11 | 30,730 | 35,677 | cfn-flow | A practical worflow for AWS CloudFormation |
12 | 32,092 | 22,467 | hash_deep_reject | Add a Hash#deep_reject! method |
13 | 39,180 | 22,467 | slave_pools | Connection proxy for ActiveRecord for master / replica setups. |
14 | 41,372 | 24,889 | geokit-geoip | GeoKit module for using Maxmind GeoIP City database |
15 | 51,785 | 59,086 | build-ubuntu-ami | Create customized ubuntu AMIs the hard (secure) way. |
16 | 70,487 | 59,086 | ktheory-right_aws | == DESCRIPTION:
The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ... |
17 | 71,098 | 59,086 | maildir-queue | A simple queue API with a maildir backend. Also includes an HTTP API |
18 | 75,662 | 35,677 | ktheory-vlad-git | Vlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all
modules outside ... |
19 | 79,010 | 59,086 | query_trace3 | Query Trace plugin w/ rails3 support; based on https://gist.github.com/1137342 |
20 | 81,171 | 59,086 | git_io | GitIo.shorten(url) |
21 | 95,466 | 59,086 | hivequeen_client | Capistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen |
22 | 103,954 | 59,086 | vader | Vader: Apple Docker Environment for Rails |
23 | 115,592 | 59,086 | chef_status_handler | Keep track of the status of chef runs on your nodes |
24 | 122,028 | 59,086 | ktheory-fakefs | ktheory's patches to fakefs |
25 | 122,348 | 59,086 | ktheory-vlad | Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation,
without mercy. Much l... |
26 | 123,128 | 35,677 | bsearch-ruby | A binary search implementation in ruby |
27 | 126,288 | 59,086 | submerge | The author was too lazy to write a description |
28 | 128,844 | 59,086 | ktheory-fog | The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack... |
29 | 129,771 | 59,086 | ksr-maybe | A library providing the optional type 'Maybe' |
30 | 158,422 | 59,086 | ktheory-juicer | Resolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the comma... |