Ktheory's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1347333rack-attackA rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests
21,7251,858dalli-elasticacheThis gem provides an interface for fetching cluster information from an AWS ElastiC...
35,7559,002maildirA ruby library for reading and writing arbitrary messages in DJB's maildir format
46,3847,310ipcatA ruby port of the ipcat library: https://github.com/rale/ipcat/
510,11451,488rack-active_record_statusA server health check for active_record.
610,92520,172capistrano-hivequeenCapistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen
715,85719,472egadsA collection of scripts for making a deployable tarball of a git commit, uploading it t...
818,07114,593vlad-gitVlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all modules outside ...
923,40618,897configsEasy (easier?) management of config/*.yml files. Defines a lookup priority for the curr...
1027,05918,431replica_poolsConnection proxy for ActiveRecord for leader / replica setups.
1130,73926,667cfn-flowA practical worflow for AWS CloudFormation
1232,09417,270hash_deep_rejectAdd a Hash#deep_reject! method
1339,182129,735slave_poolsConnection proxy for ActiveRecord for master / replica setups.
1441,38226,667geokit-geoipGeoKit module for using Maxmind GeoIP City database
1551,78551,488build-ubuntu-amiCreate customized ubuntu AMIs the hard (secure) way.
1670,49732,595ktheory-right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
1771,10851,488maildir-queueA simple queue API with a maildir backend. Also includes an HTTP API
1875,66751,488ktheory-vlad-gitVlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all modules outside ...
1979,01751,488query_trace3Query Trace plugin w/ rails3 support; based on https://gist.github.com/1137342
2195,46451,488hivequeen_clientCapistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen
22103,95432,595vaderVader: Apple Docker Environment for Rails
23115,59232,595chef_status_handlerKeep track of the status of chef runs on your nodes
24122,04351,488ktheory-fakefsktheory's patches to fakefs
25122,35451,488ktheory-vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
26123,12932,595bsearch-rubyA binary search implementation in ruby
27126,298129,735submergeThe author was too lazy to write a description
28128,83132,595ktheory-fogThe Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
29129,72926,667ksr-maybeA library providing the optional type 'Maybe'
30158,42851,488ktheory-juicerResolve dependencies, merge and minify CSS and JavaScript files with Juicer - the comma...