Discourse-rubygems's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1723932rack-mini-profilerProfiling toolkit for Rack applications with Rails integration. Client Side profiling, ...
2785566lru_reduxAn efficient implementation of an lru cache
3815581fast_blankProvides a C-optimized method for determining if a string is blank
41,6481,587prometheus_exporterPrometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby
52,9312,916discourse_apiDiscourse API
63,6405,621oneboxA gem for generating embeddable HTML previews from URLs.
73,9982,993message_busA message bus for rack
84,3513,259logsterUI for viewing logs in Rack
95,6279,862omniauth-amazonLogin with Amazon OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
105,8175,930rails_multisiteMulti tenancy support for Rails
115,9515,608mini_sqlA fast, safe, simple direct SQL executor for PG
126,0912,506rubocop-discourseCustom rubocop cops used by Discourse
136,7735,467mini_schedulerAdds recurring jobs for Sidekiq
147,0283,420rails_failoverFailover for ActiveRecord and Redis
158,0073,403discourse-fontsBundle of fonts which can be used to customize the look of Discourse
168,3635,851mini_suffixFFI wrapper for libpsl
178,61531,554discourse-ember-sourceFork of Ember source to permit latest ember versions
1811,2992,898discourse_dev_assetsAssets for Discourse dev module
1911,8845,427rtlcssA wrapper around the rtlcss npm package to flip CSS direction in Ruby
2011,9647,670syntax_tree-disable_ternarysyntax_tree plugin to prevent converting `if` expressions to ternary.
2112,4385,836discourse-seed-fuSeed Fu is an attempt to once and for all solve the problem of inserting and maintainin...
2215,6815,937minio_runnerManages local minio binary installs and handles stopping and starting minio server
2317,11161,114discourse-qunit-railsQUnit for Rails
2421,3815,930messageformat-wrapperA wrapper around the @messageformat/core npm package to compile MessageFormat messages ...
2522,36025,054discourse_themeCLI helper for creating Discourse themes
2625,59312,145service_skeletonWhen you need to write a program that provides some sort of persistent service, there a...
2727,01313,331syslogstashSend messages from syslog UNIX sockets to logstash
2833,79536,013discourse_devRake helper tasks for Discourse developers
2936,37013,746pupsSimple docker image creator
3044,60161,114config_skeletonDynamically generate configs and reload servers
3145,89461,114loggerstashProvides a module you can prepend into any instance of Logger to cause it to send all l...
3278,97961,114discourse_zendesk_apiRuby wrapper for the REST API at https://www.zendesk.com. Documentation at https://deve...
3380,56843,216discourse-omniauth-jwtAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
34102,23143,216rtlcss_wrapperA wrapper around the rtlcss npm package to flip CSS direction in Ruby
35112,73561,114discourse_mail_receiverA gem used to package the core .rb files of the mail-receiver.
36116,77361,114mini_tarballA minimal implementation of the GNU Tar format.
37158,29025,054mass_git_cloneTool for maintaining clones of a large number of git repositories
38176,5036,656discourse-emojisBundle of emojis sets for Discourse