Dry-bot's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1250198dry-coreA toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem
2260212dry-inflectorString inflections for dry-rb
3280223dry-logicPredicate logic with rule composition
4281220dry-typesType system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ...
5299317dry-configurableA mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes
6373702dry-containerA simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby
7609494dry-validationValidation library
8615338dry-initializerDSL for declaring params and options of the initializer
9678394dry-schemadry-schema provides a DSL for defining schemas with keys and rules that should be appli...
101,020937dry-structTyped structs and value objects
111,4561,307dry-monadsCommon monads for Ruby
121,528518dry-cliCommon framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby
131,6381,544dry-auto_injectContainer-agnostic automatic constructor injection
141,9951,931dry-eventsPub/sub system
152,2111,971dry-matcherFlexible, expressive pattern matching for Ruby
162,5372,747dry-monitorMonitoring and instrumentation APIs
172,9192,277dry-transactionBusiness Transaction Flow DSL
183,6432,849dry-systemOrganize your code into reusable components
194,4253,156dry-transformerData transformation toolkit
205,8824,650dry-effectsAlgebraic effects
216,4146,369dry-filesfile utilities
226,5385,074dry-railsdry-rails provides the official integration of dry-rb gems with Ruby on Rails framework.
2310,6616,496dry-loggerLogging for Ruby
2413,20415,206dry-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
2542,96657,843dry-testingthis is a gem that is used for testing purposes only - do not install it, do not use it