Nileshtrivedi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,3898,259gupshupRuby wrapper for SMSGupShup API
211,9767,500openaiOpenAI API client library to access GPT-3 in Ruby
333,10052,448hypertrackRuby wrapper around HyperTrack's API. Refer for more inform...
441,52373,973indiumLibrary for querying/posting transactions from the Indium network
557,76152,448bigchaindbLibrary for preparing/signing transactions and submitting them or querying a BigchainDB...
673,44373,973eav_presenterActiveRecord model like presenter for Entity-Attribute-Value pattern
782,81842,561auto_formUse validated_arguments to know metadata about method arguments and the ActiveModel com...
8120,52852,448rbfnvFNV hash implementation for ruby
9130,40573,973validated_argumentsUse ActiveModel to validate arguments for any Ruby method