1 | 1,728 | 1,782 | zip_tricks | Stream out ZIP files from Ruby |
2 | 6,870 | 3,226 | prorate | Can be used to implement all kinds of throttles |
3 | 10,197 | 22,512 | format_parser | A Ruby library for prying open files you can convert to a previewable format, such as v... |
4 | 11,212 | 11,372 | sqewer | A full-featured library for all them SQS worker needs |
5 | 11,573 | 20,749 | activerecord_autoreplica | Redirect all SELECT queries to a separate connection within a block |
6 | 14,458 | 11,450 | wt_s3_signer | A Ruby Gem that optimize the signing of S3 keys. The gem is especially useful when deal... |
7 | 14,734 | 15,327 | measurometer | Minimum viable API for instrumentation in libraries. Source metrics from your libraries... |
8 | 15,148 | 13,399 | image_vise | Image processing via URLs |
9 | 15,610 | 11,372 | very_tiny_state_machine | You wouldn't beleive how tiny it is |
10 | 18,426 | 28,793 | ks | Keyword-initialized Structs |
11 | 19,335 | 20,054 | hash_tools | Do useful things to Ruby Hashes |
12 | 20,600 | 53,556 | apiculture | A toolkit for building REST APIs on top of Rack |
13 | 21,205 | 20,054 | wetransfer_style | At WeTransfer we code in style. This is our style. |
14 | 25,709 | 86,038 | richurls | Service which enriches URLs fast and cheap |
15 | 26,390 | 11,752 | ghost_adapter | Run ActiveRecord migrations through gh-ost |
16 | 26,702 | 26,609 | wt_activerecord_index_spy | It uses activerecord's notifications to run an explain query on each query that uses a ... |
17 | 31,536 | 86,038 | rational_choice | Fuzzy logic gate |
18 | 31,762 | 86,038 | aws_ip_utilities | Checks for AWS IP ranges, including adding to Rack trusted proxy list. |
19 | 34,425 | 53,556 | authorization_header_parser | Parses parametrized HTTP Authorization headers |
20 | 35,278 | 86,038 | strict_request_uri | Reject Rack requests with an invalid URL |
21 | 36,162 | 23,626 | interval_response | Assemble HTTP responses from spliced sequences of payloads |
22 | 37,942 | 86,038 | app_revision | Finds a way to get at your git commit SHA |
23 | 40,147 | 86,038 | sanitize_user_agent_header | Decodes the User-Agent header into UTF-8 in any Rack app |
24 | 46,504 | 86,038 | megabytes | Byte size formatter for when ActiveSupport is too much |
25 | 62,440 | 28,793 | fast_send | Send bursts of large files quickly via Rack |
26 | 64,638 | 86,038 | runaway | Spin off blocks in child processes and make sure they terminate on time |
27 | 66,800 | 53,556 | kinesis_firehose_batcher | Sends records to Firehose, automatically honors the limits |
28 | 79,680 | 86,038 | prefixed_cache_store | Allows you to expire parts of your cache separately |
29 | 81,530 | 53,556 | fourtrack | Store massive amounts of ordered log records into a single .gz file and replay them one... |
30 | 85,613 | 23,626 | harold | Library that contains helpers for collaborative environments |
31 | 93,320 | 42,025 | unival | A minimal endpoint for driving server-side validations from a remote UI |
32 | 98,569 | 86,038 | appsignal_extensions | Doing some more with Appsignal |
33 | 157,414 | 86,038 | pg_logger | Convert PostgreSQL notices to Ruby logger messages, in one proc |
34 | 168,368 | 86,038 | format_parser_pdf | An adapter for format_parser to parse PDF files using pdf-reader. Replaces the standard... |