Nodanaonlyzuul's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,4638,182marked-railsA gemified verison of the chjj/marked: "A full-featured markdown parser and compiler, w...
218,47361,367flickr_airliftA Command-Line tool for scraping any user's original photos.
327,63761,367flickr_cliA Command-Line tool for exploring your flickr account
428,45561,367asciiartA command line tool to turn images into ASCII art
544,27120,275paul_dix_thundergodDeploy with masculine confidence
645,26333,893fortune_gemThe unix 'fortune' program - implemented as a ruby gem
766,01161,367web_service_documenterDocument your json web services
870,10221,627nypl_log_formatterA logger that conforms to NYPL's formatting standard
977,71761,367flickr_authenticationA library that simplifies the authentication and storing of credentials for applicartio...
1085,39661,367esbA command line tool to tell you what color the empire state building is, and why.
1186,82761,367updogA Command-Line tool for getting the weather
1290,97661,367datastore_decideAutomatically decides how you should store data - comes up with just as bad an answer a...
1396,74161,367chorusUsing Ruby threads and mac's "say" command to make delay and chorus effects'
1498,34461,367white_castleShamelessly serve anything (from your filesystem)
15101,93329,456gbvThe world's finest and only CLI tool for Guided By Voices lyrics.
16102,77461,367kokomoA lightweight, extensible framework to deliver Kokomo, objectively the worst song by Th...
17106,73261,367useful_durationUseful measurements of time
18114,48325,716patience_and_fortitudeMenu driven, command line access to your NYPL account
19114,78929,456nypl-site-scraperA mechanize-driven client to scrape info about your account from NYPL
20136,46733,893oblique_strategiesA Ruby gem for delivering a Oblique Strategies
21158,73861,367elevenlabs-rbA VERY light wrapper on top of elevenlabs's API. For people who have accounts.
22159,28061,367datamuseRuby Library for Datamuse's API ( developed by me, not dat...
23164,24961,367exquisite_corpusScrape sites, feeds, and files. Feed them to the AI gawd.
24170,35961,367rhythm_is_a_dancerThe world's only & most performant library to find out if Rhythm is a dancer.