Qnighy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,73814,593grpc_newrelic_interceptorAn interceptor for using New Relic with gRPC.
212,95429,595gmscConverts a gRPC metadata to a Hash which can be safely converted to JSON.
319,62318,968open_apiIt provides PORO of OpenAPI specification. It only support OpenAPI v3.
420,51216,519pb-serializerSerialize objects into Protocol Buffers messages
520,54118,968computed_modelComputedModel is a helper for building a read-only model (sometimes called a view) from...
621,26326,412open_api_annotatorOpenApiAnnotator realizes to generate OpenApi spec by annotating to Controller and Acti...
771,01529,595psych-commentsBrings comment-aware YAML parsing to Psych
8182,73191,749rbs_macrosRubyists love metaprogramming. This tool bridges between RBS and metaprogramming, by al...