Bmpercy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,81940,303wranglerA gem for handling exceptions thrown inside your Rails app. If you include the gem in y...
224,507103,630acts_as_lookupProvides an easy means for creating models that act like enumerations or lookup tables....
331,488103,630acts_as_serviceA gem with a mixin to let you turn a class into something that runs like a service, whi...
446,85040,303random_value_samplerClass for sampling from arbitrary probability distributions
547,25040,303gr_autolinkThis is an adaptation of the extraction of the `auto_link` method from rails that is th...
659,937103,630mysql_replication_statusDeprecated. Gem has been renamed to mysql_replication_monitor
769,107103,630multiple_connection_handlerHacky utility to access dbs listed in Rails' database.yml. See README for more info.
871,332103,630mysql_replication_monitorConnects to both master and slave and compares their status, allowing you to check whet...
975,28540,303unique_delayed_jobClass for creating delayed jobs that can be de-duped with existing delayed jobs already...
10110,509103,630bmpercy-exception_notificationAllows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an a...