Inkel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,63041,086haproxyThis gem is intended for use as a HAProxy interface when you need to read statistics or...
221,47712,736m2xAT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte...
328,43241,086redic-clusterRedis Cluster support for Redic, the lightweight Redis client
444,65761,367fallenA simpler way to create Ruby fallen angels, better known as daemons
551,86961,367acgtDNA for simple generators
659,53323,402m2x-mqttAT&T’s M2X is a cloud-based fully managed data storage service for network connecte...
779,08261,367rusterControl your Redis Cluster from the command line.
8112,73241,086disyuntorSimple implementation of Michael T. Nygard's Circuit Breaker Pattern