Stevepolitodesign's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,9526,107suspendersSuspenders is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by thoughtbot to ge...
298,39750,806simple_note_parserOrganize notes into directories based on the note's tag. Merge notes into a csv file.
3128,48167,524unsubscribeAutomatically unsubscribe from emails in Rails.
4166,47380,697rails_mvp_authenticationRails authentication via a generator.
5171,87680,697flaggedModerate records in Rails
6172,292102,511is_authorizedSimple authorization for Ruby on Rails.
7174,110141,551art_vandelayArt Vandelay is an importer/exporter for Rails
8175,34267,524invisible_inkEncrypt text files in your open source projects so that they can be committed to your r...