Smunz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9092,435valvatValidates european vat numbers. Standalone or as a ActiveModel validator.
26,1023,678biggsbiggs is a small ruby gem/rails plugin for formatting postal addresses from over 60 cou...
320,92486,038mite-rbThe official ruby library for interacting with the RESTful mite.api.
422,68242,025pumpFast but inflexible XML and JSON encoding for ruby objects.
525,33686,038auaaua = a user agent (parser).
625,57953,556mementoUndo for Rails/ActiveRecord - covers destroy, update and create
734,23786,038aua-miteExtension for aua ( to recognize custom mite api clients by...
847,18053,556dar_da_daRoles easy like sunday morning.
951,22886,038mite-backupDownload a backup of your mite.account from the command-line.
1055,64686,038sum_sumSumSum allows you to generate simple reports on the count of values in hashes.
1159,02786,038railway_flowerJasmine specs in rails 3.1