Eiffelqiu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,17412,386appjamAppjam is iOS code repository, including framework, snippet, generators, etc.
222,21763,432assApple Service Server written with Sinatra and Sequel(Sqlite3)
322,70841,916autopageA Rails Plugin to convert long text into multi tab page.
428,81941,916spnsSimple Push Notification Server written with Sinatra and Sequel(Sqlite3)
542,32963,432iggSeveral tools for fast developing an ImpactJS Game, include generators and built-in ser...
642,93363,432bbcodeA tool to beautify code.
747,57663,432candleWax iOS Starter Project Generate Tools build with Ruby
852,13863,432coronateCorona project builder tools
960,13819,893puerTitanium Starter Project Generate Tools build with Ruby, Coffee Script, Backbone.js etc
1071,81463,432turmaliTurmali is a website building language.
1189,32463,432ccbCocos2d-JS project builder tools
12100,46830,305ren_renrenren api ruby gem
13140,08363,432h5h5 app dsl language parser & generator.