1 | 36,850 | 86,038 | deployhq | API and CLI client for the DeployHQ deployment platform. Provides the deployhq executable. |
2 | 43,122 | 31,663 | attach | Attach documents & files to Active Record models |
3 | 48,489 | 23,626 | apia | A framework for building HTTP APIs. |
4 | 58,596 | 23,626 | serialized-hashie | Helpers to serialize data into ActiveRecord models as JSON and returning a Hashie::Mash |
5 | 78,275 | 16,697 | klogger-logger | A simple Ruby logger |
6 | 84,005 | 86,038 | schmersion | A tool for generating CHANGELOGs and managing app versioning. |
7 | 86,268 | 24,968 | apia-schema-parser | A little library for reading Apia Schema files. |
8 | 87,619 | 23,626 | apia-client | A client library for talking to any Apia API. |
9 | 89,104 | 86,038 | omniauth-krystal | OmniAuth strategy for Krystal Identity |
10 | 93,397 | 20,054 | ip_contact_finder | A Ruby library to resolve IP addresses and AS numbers to responsible email addressses |
11 | 94,307 | 24,968 | apia-insomnia | A Raid schema generator for Insomnia. |
12 | 97,426 | 24,968 | apia-open_api | Apia OpenAPI spec generator |
13 | 119,343 | 22,512 | konfig-config | A config schema generator |
14 | 144,227 | 53,556 | dennis-client | A client library for talking to the Dennis DNS API. |
15 | 164,277 | 24,968 | apia-yabeda | Apia Yabeda integration |
16 | 177,955 | 35,920 | katapult-ruby | Auto generated from the Katapult OpenAPI specification |