Monterail's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,8423,367zip-codesSimple gem to get city, state, and time zone for a given zip code
23,9303,847grape-kaminarikaminari paginator integration for grape API framework
36,2386,398grape-rails-cacheHTTP and server side cache integration for Grape and Rails
424,50053,556rails_ssoSingle Sign On solution via OAuth2 for Ruby on Rails.
537,90586,038angular-leaflet-railsangular-leaflet-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline
641,14186,038angular-faye-railsAngular + Faye, packaged for Rails assets pipeline
752,99342,025sanelintGem to encapsulate Monterail's company-wide rubocop setup.
859,65753,556sequel-combineThe Sequel extension which allow you to select object with many nested descendants