1 | 3,846 | 2,979 | zip-codes | Simple gem to get city, state, and time zone for a given zip code |
2 | 3,977 | 3,646 | grape-kaminari | kaminari paginator integration for grape API framework |
3 | 6,316 | 7,244 | grape-rails-cache | HTTP and server side cache integration for Grape and Rails |
4 | 24,781 | 24,050 | rails_sso | Single Sign On solution via OAuth2 for Ruby on Rails. |
5 | 38,331 | 87,411 | angular-leaflet-rails | angular-leaflet-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline |
6 | 41,585 | 87,411 | angular-faye-rails | Angular + Faye, packaged for Rails assets pipeline |
7 | 53,320 | 36,808 | sanelint | Gem to encapsulate Monterail's company-wide rubocop setup. |
8 | 60,141 | 27,075 | sequel-combine | The Sequel extension which allow you to select object with many nested descendants |